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The difference between a Level 2 Electrician and a Normal Electrician

Level 2 Electrical Installation On Roof

Level 2 Electrician or a Standard Electrician, who do you need to call?

If you’ve ever had AusGrid out for a total power outage to your home, you know how inconvenient it can be. Normally these problems happen at the worst time possible, leaving you to wonder when the power will be turned back on. Worst of all, you need an ASP2/Level 2 Electrician that is accredited and certified by AusGrid AND the Department of Fair Trading to get your powered up again. The problem is, they’re hard to find! Luckily, Sparky Nearby has you covered.

Level 2 Electricians are needed whenever you need to do repairs or upgrades on your switchboard that directly connect back to the electricity meter or the power lines on the street. They can take care of ASP2 electrical connections, amongst many other specialised tasks! Read on to better understand the ASP2 services our qualified Level 2 Electricians can provide to Eastern Suburbs and Sydney residents, 24/7.

Why not call a regular electrician?

A regular electrician is not legally authorised to perform the tasks meant for a Level 2 Electrical contractor. For instance, a regular electrician cannot connect or disconnect the electricity of a residence or a commercial property from the grid, nor can he work on the electricity meters or underground or overhead power supply lines. 

A Level 2 Electrician or ASP2 Electrician, on the other hand, is trained and authorised to carry out installations and repair or maintenance work on electricity supply lines between residential or commercial properties and the power supply network. This can include working several meters above the ground on power poles or on underground power supply cables. However, the work of an ASP2 service provider has a scope way beyond this.

Want to find out what else a Level 2 Electrician can do for you?

Smart Meter Installation

Electric Smart Meters are installed to keep track of the power usage by households and businesses to measure the electricity bill. These smart meters are required whenever you want to install a solar system at your home or business. Only Level 2 electrical contractors or ASP2 Electricians are authorised to carry out smart meter installation for your home or business.They make sure your electricity meter installation is carried out properly so that it shows accurate readings to save you from over-billing. 

Additionally,a level 2 electrician can also replace or dispose of your damaged meter. Since meter installation and replacement requires a Service NSW Accredited Service Provider 2, (which means lots of extra training on top of what normal electricians get), hiring a normal electrician for this special task will cause more harm than good. What’s more, it would be illegal!

Working on Power Supply Lines

The electricity supplied to your home or office is either via underground cables or through overhead poles. Level 2 electricians are licensed to work on these power supply lines to establish and install a power connection between your home or office and the power supply. This is called a Service Cable. They are usually aluminum black cables running from the pole on the street to the front of your house at the Point Of Attachment POA. We also carry out repair to faulty POAs. 

Such types of work involves high risk and requires proper safety protocol known as ASP2 Accreditation, and hence a normal electrician is not authorised to carry out such a task as there is no way to turn the power off so all work is done live!

Restore or Cut off Power Supply (Defect Rectification)

If the power supplier AusGrid disconnects the electricity supply to your property due to a dangerous fault, known as a ‘defect’ then you’re going to need a Level 2 Electrician or ASP2 Electrician to firstly repair, and then reconnect your power to the supply grid. This is a process called Defect Rectification. A level 2 electrician or ASP2 electrician is authorised to reconnect your power supply since strict safety measures and expertise are required to perform this dangerous and highly regulated task.

Power Upgrades

For commercial and industrial usage, the power supply is often 3 phase while for residential properties it could be single phase or three phase. That said, you may need more power to come down those single or three phase supply cables. Luckily,  a Level 2 Electrician can help you with getting bigger service cables connected to your property to supply the higher amperage that you need. They can also assist in upgrading from a single phase supply cable to a three phase supply cable. If you ever want a power upgrade (or downgrade), you need to hire a Level 2 Electrician or ASP2 Electrician. A regular electrician cannot legally carry out the job since it requires extensive training and experience as well as strict safety measures and ASP2 accreditation to execute the dangerous task of working on the live supply cables.

level 2 electrician on ladder

Choose the right guy for the job. 

Whenever you face a problem with your power supply that involves working on AusGrid’s electricity supply cables; whether you want a power upgrade, installation of smart meters, or facing a total power outage / blackout, never use a normal electrician. You’ll fall into much bigger trouble. These problems are more dangerous than standard electricians are trained to deal with as they can’t safely isolate the power to the switchboard or the supply wires that you need worked on. Therefore, a Level 2 Electrician is someone you have to look for. Not only that they are qualified and trained (NSW Fair Trading accredited Authorised Service Provider 2), but are also well acquainted with the necessary safety measures and legally authorised to carry out such dangerous and specialised tasks.

Looking for a certified Level 2 Electrician or ASP2 Electrician in the Eastern Suburbs?

Contact Sparky Nearby for ASP2 services available 24/7.
